
Study Guide for SS exam Next Wednesday

These are the main items that will be on the next exam.


Christin@ S@gos said...

10.The battle of Yorktown was the last battle the british and colonist fought in. In Yorktown the general of the british surrendered and the colonists had won.

ChRiStInA d said...

5. Loyalist are a group of people, who didn't want to have the war. Also, the people wanted to have a leader and pay taxes to that person.

ChRiStInA dArIeNzO$$$ said...

3. Thomas Jefferson was the one to write the, Declaration of Independence. Also when he wrote the, Declaration of Independence he was very well Prepared to do it.

kevin said...

cristina s your answer is good but you should add why the British surrendered

ChRiStInA dArIeNzO$$$ said...

5. Patriots were only the other 3rd who supported, the war of the colonists. But the other 3rd didn't take this side.

Gina T said...

paitriots are a group of people who wantedto have the war.

Gina T said...

loyolists are group of people who didn't want the war to happen

GiN said...

christina D i like your answer but maybe you shold put the year jefferson wrote the declaration of indapendence

Anthony DiCrescento said...

4. Patroits are a group of people who wanted to have war.

Anthony DiCrescento said...

The battle of Yorktown was the the last battle that British surrendered

kevin said...

1.Drafted by Thomas Jefferson on between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is at once the nations most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument. Here, in exalted and unforgettable phrases, Jefferson expressed the convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people. The political philosophy of the Declaration was not new; it's ideals of individual liberty had already been expressed by John Locke and the continental philosophers. What Jefferson did was to summarize this philosophy in self-evident truths and set forth a list of grievances a in order to justify before the world the breaking of ties between the colonies and the mother country.

richard said...

loyalists are people who dont want 2 fight also are loyal to their country

z said...

King George III was the king of British and he made taxes for everything like lead glass stamps paper and many other things.

Anthony DiCrescento said...

Sorry z is Anthony

richard said...

the first 2 battles the colonists were out numbered by alot also they lost the last battle was the battle of yorktown the colonists had won

christina sagos said...

Gina i like you answer, but i wish you would've added Why the patriots wanted to have war.

Chri$tin@ $@gos said...

Loyalists were a group of people who didn't want to have war because they didn't want to fight their people. Also they wanted to stay loyal and follow the rules.

christina sagos said...

Anthony d i like your answer but maybe you could've added Why the patriots wanted to have war

andrew said...

10.the battle of yorktown was the last and final battle of the american revolution. At the nd of the battle british surrenderd and the colonist won.the french helped the colonist

andrew said...

5.Patriots are a group of people that wanted there freedom and there own country.They wanted to fight fight british in war

andrew said...

6.Loyaltist were a group of people that liked brigish rules.They did not want to fight against there own coutry.

andrew said...

anthony d give a little more details to make your answer awsome. :)

pelin said...

10.The last battle of the colonists and the british was in Yorktown.The british surrendered because the general thought they would lose because there was no supplies and they were outnumbered.
The colonists won and cheered.

andrew said...

is the s.s. test tomorrow ?

pelin said...

Anthony D. I liked your answer,but
I think you should have added a little more details to make it

PhiLIp said...

Patrots were colonist that said ye stothe revalotion.Lolalist were peopel that said no to the revalotion and were loyai to the main land.

M@rk Sp@no said...

patriots were colonists that wanted to fight against the British . They did this becuse they were angrey about being taxed for things like paper ,glass,lead,paint imported from Britten

M@rk Sp@no said...

The battle of Saratoga was when the colonists won one of their first battle after they won they got the french navy to help them with the war .They also got the spanish.

Mr. Lee said...

Hello class,

Great to see so many students contributing to each other's learning.

I see a lot of comments on Patriots and Loyalists... Please note that there is more to them than just being FOR the king and being AGAINST the king.

For example, Patriots were colonists who were in favor of ending their relationship with England and to have an independent country of their own. They felt that the king's laws were unjust and they didn't want to be ruled by someone who was thousands of miles away. They wanted to rule themselves. Hope this helps.

M@rk Sp@no said...

The battle at York town was the last battle. Where Great Britten was surrounded and the cheif surrenderd and the colonys won the war.

anthony C said...

4.Nathan Hale was a soldier for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He volunteered for an intelligence-gathering mission in New York City but was captured by the British. He is probably best remembered for his purported last words before being hanged: "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country."[1] Hale has long been considered an American hero and, in 1985, he was officially designated the state hero of Connecticut.

M@rk Sp@no said...

no battle was fought at Valley Forge. Yet, it was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It was here that the Continental army was desperately against the ropes — bloody, beaten, battle-weary — and ready to quit. Even General Washington conceded, "If the army does not get help soon, in all likelihood it will disband."

andrew said...

Thank you for that information about the patriots Mr.Lee.

Christin@ S@gos said...

The battle of Saratoga was the battle of which the continetal army had won. After they won, the french came to help fight and so did the spanish. With this help, the colonists won the war.If the Continetal army didn't win the battle of Saratoga, we probably would've been speaking british because the french and spanish would not of come over and the colonists would've probably gave up.

Christina sagos said...

1. The declaration of Independance wAs a document saying that the CoLonists did not want to follow the kings rules and that they wanted to be independent. BYe!!!!!

Christina Sagos said...

11.The treaty of paris was signed 2months after the war signed by both the sides saying that the war was over and what the solution was to the .

christina sagos said...

Can someone tell me who the general of the british is. the one who surrendered. i know it starts with coolweit something. I forgot. Write back if you know if not, i will ask mr.lee on monday!!!!

Fr@nce$c@ Nugne$ said...

Thanks Mr.Lee for the example answer it really helped 3. Thomas Jefferson was the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence.He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence, because he had wrote many other documents so the Patriots choose him. They also choose him because he had experince and was well prepared.

kevin said...

Nathan Hale -4. George Washington asked Nathan Hale to spy on the British soldiers. The British found found maps he had drawn of British troop positions and had arrested him.

kevin said...

I meant to say the British had found maps he had drawn.

Christina sagos said...

Richard your answer is good but you should've added that the british surrendered

gianna f@miglietti$$ said...

1.Nathan Hale was a spy for the colonists.He got caught and they hung him in the galos.He said,"I regret that I only have 1 life for my country to give."

Deanna said...

The battle of Lexington and Concord began on April 18 1775. This night Paul Revere rode through Concord to warn the americans that the British were going to attack. When the British came to attack the americans were waiting and ready to attack. The americans were withdrawring when someone fired a shot and the battle started. No one knows who fired the first shot. This battle began the revolutionary war.

chRiStiNa sAGos (Is awesome) said...

Valley Forge was where most of General Washigton's soldiers either died or had gotten sick. They died or had gotten sick because of the cold air, not much food,or because they had no shelter.

Mark Spano said...

Just finished reading some marvelous comments .Going on to the text and note book.

GiNa Tob@ck said...

Nathen Hale gave his life for his countryand said "I have but one life to loose for my country."He spied on the britshat 21 years old.

Fra@nce$c@ Nugne$ said...

4. Nathan Hale was a soldier from the Continental Army ,who was sent to spy on the British,by Gorge Washington. He disguised him self as a loyalist but before he could complete the mission he got captured by the British and they sent him to jail

Mark Spano said...

Cristina I looked it up and this is what I got General Thomas Gage

Mark Spano said...

Francesca and who ever answered this question great answers but you should add who he found out where the British were gonna be.

jackie said...

Nathan Hale was a 21 year old that George Washington asked Nathan to spy on the british he pretnented to be a loyalists. On September 22 Nathan was arrested for spying and pretenting to be apart of the british loyalist and also he was arrested for abanboning his country.

jackie said...

Francesca I like your anwser but maybe you should add a little more details.

jackie said...

Francesca I like your anwser but maybe you should add a little more details.

jackie said...

Sorry I pressed it twice.

anthony d said...

the declaration said about the colonists being a free country and have their own goverment.

anthony d said...

thomas jefferson was a writer that signed the declaraion. He was well prepared.

anthony d said...

the battle of yorktown was the final battle that british surrendered to

anthony d said...

the shot that started the revolutionary war was in Lexington. The colonists lost the battle in Lexington. After the battle in Lexington the British went to Concord to try to find weapons but they didn't find any.

PiHIlp said...

3.Nathan hale was hired by Thomas Jefferson to spy on the British. He got arrested when the british saw a map were all the british soilder were.He was famos for saying,"I only regeret that i have one life for my country.

Anonymous said...

to show that the war was finally over British and the Colonists had to sign the treaty.

juliana said...

Loyalist were people who stayed loyal to England.Some reasons they stayed loyal was because they thought the king was right, and they had family who were in england.

anthony d said...

King George III had the colonists complain about the acts taxes closing the Boston Harbor not being independent and not having there own goverment...

AnThOnY D!!! said...

in valley forge pa over 2,000 of washingtons men died. Also Friedrich von Steuben trained the colonists

KEVIN BELL said...

actually it was 2,500 people anthony

kevin said...

in a good way though

Jackie said...

Philp your anwser is good but Thomas Jefferson didn't ask Nathan Hale to be a spy for the Contientail Army.

Jackie said...

Francesca your anwser is good but Nathan Hale was not a solider for the Cenatilentail Army

Jackie said...

Anothnoy c I like your anwser but Nathan Hale was not a soilder but your anwser is awsome other wise

Christina sagos said...

I think i did good on the test. it was not hard. thank you mark for The answer of general thomas gage

Anonymous said...

Anthony, Thomas Jefferson didnt sign the declaration of independence.he wrote it

Mr. Trotta said...

Hey Mr. Lee,

This is a great idea. Your students have some great responses also. Good work, 5Lee!


Mr. Trotta

Christina Sagos said...


Christina sagos said...

I am playing the math website till 5:00 if anyone wants to join my game. password abc. race car game.