
Indian Proverb

Happy Thanksgiving to my students.

Here is the extra credit I promised.  Please write me your best essay.  Read this quote and really take some time to think about it.  (no help from parents please)

Please hand it in on Monday.

“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”

1st paragraph: explain the quote.
2nd paragraph: what does it make you think of or remind you of when thinking about the quote and giving thanks.

See you all on Monday.

Mr. Lee


Mark said...

First I think the quote is talking about how don't be greedy because at least you have feet Secondly this quote reminds me be greateful with what you have because you might not have it forever.

AnThOnY Dicrescento said...

The quote means to me that you should never be upset with what you have until you see someone who has it worse. It tells me that you should be happy with what you have and not complain with what you don't have that you want. Your friends may have a pair of expensive shoes that you don't but you should just be happy with what you have. I was in church today and I saw a nice boy who didn't have nice shoes but he didn't care.

Mark said...

Mr.Lee i'm writing it on paper with a few adjustments to make it hopefully good enough to get extra credit . Plus for what subject is the extra credit for