
Science Test - Study Tips


Please feel free to post any answer to any of the following questions so your classmates can comment whether you got it or need to add more information.
1. Know all the parts of the digestive system and urinary system.

2. Be able to talk about all the steps food goes through in your body using the following words in order.
colon, esophagus, large intestine, mouth, small intestine, stomach, teeth.

3. Explain how the nutrition from a sandwich gets to your cells.

4. Know why you can't live without your kidneys.

**Good idea to make study cards for all parts.
***Good idea to explain the answers to the following questions to your parents the night before after you study.


Christina Sagos said...

4. You can't live without your kidneys because you can poison your body. Also your blood won't get clean and you can get sick.

Anthony Cross said...

3.Nutrition would get to your cells when you the mushed up pieces are in your small intestine.Villi would soak up the nutrients like a sponge.The blood would pick up the nutrients from the villi and it will deliver it to the rest of your bodys cells.

Gina Toback said...

2. Digestion is a process. Here are the steps in digestion. First the mouth,next the teeth, then the esophagus, after that comes the stomach,the small intestine, the large intestine, and finally the colon.

Gina Toback said...

4.Christina i would like you to add: what are the names of the materials the kidneys regulate?

Philip macri said...

It is important to have your kidneys because your kindney need to filter you blood. If you don't have your kidneys you will have to go to hosipil 3 times a week, and if you don't you will get sick and you will eventually die.

@ndrew scarpinito said...

4. You cant live without your kidneys because the waste can poison your body.If your body did not have ways to rid itself of waste,you can not live for long.people and organisms have structures that work together to rid the body of wastes that are in the blood.

brianna said...

christina i like ur awnser maybe add some more facts

brianna said...

christina i like ur awnser maybe add some more facts

kevin said...

3. The nutrition from a sandwich gets to your cells by the sandwich getting to the stomach from the esophagus.The stomachs walls squeeze the sandwich so it can become a soupy paste.The stomach squeezes the partly digested food into a narrow, winding tube called the small intestine.when digestion is finished, the particles of digested food can move into blood vessels that are in the walls of your intestine

kevin said...

I like your answer Anthony but you should add some more details

brianna said...

the way a sandwich gets to ur cells is first it goes into the mouth and it is chewed.Next it is swallowed,it goes down the esopagus and into the stomach.then the stomach produces chemicals that help digest the food,these fluids mix with the food.next the stomach sqezes partly digested food into the small intestine.Finally when the digestion is finised particles of digested food can move into ur blood vessels and to ur cells.

brianna said...

good awnser kevin but u should tell more about how it becomes a soupy paste. ok?

JuLiAnA said...

If we didnt have are kidneys we would evently die because are kidneys purifie our blood then give all the important chemicals back.

Juliana!!!!!! said...

christina i think you should add mre facts about how the kidney puryfies the blood

$JULIANA$ said...

Brianna i think you should add about the villi. i would like to add that the villi asords the nutrients

Anonymous said...

first,the food enters the MOUTH. Then, you chew the food with your TEETH and then you swollow it. After the food goes down the ESOPHAGUS. Then it goes into the STOMACH were it is brooking down even more.After it enters the SMALL INTESTINE were the pancreas and liver shot out chemicals that help break it down even more. then it enters the LARGE INTESTINE also nown as the COLON. Helpful bacteria lives in there.The bacteria make vitamins that your body uses. these bacteria also keeps other bacteria that causes disease.

Anonymous said...

haley 4

ChRiStInA d said...

#3. Nutrition from a sandwich will get to your cells when it goes to your small-intestine. It happens in the small-intestine because all around the small-intestine there is villi.Villi takes in the nutrients because villi is like a sponge. then the blood will go to villi to get nutrients from the villi and. Then it will get delivered to the rest of the body.

ChRiStInA d said...

Philip I wish you would write about if you have to go to hospital what disease is it. I wish you would add that to you sentences. (From Christina D'Arienzo)

pelin said...

3. well the villi absorb the nutrients while its being digested in your small intestine.Then,it will be delivered to the body cells by the red blood cells.

ANTHONY D SAID... said...

HI Mr.Lee and classmates.I chose to do number 2 The steps it takes food take to digest is first you chew the food in your mouth with your teeth. Next you want to swallow it to your espoughs. Your espoughs is connected to your stomach so your food will go there. The food will then go to your small instine and the nutrionce and protein will be picked up by your red blood cells and be sent to your entire body. then it will go to your large intestine and then you will not have to worry about it.

anthony d said... said...

Kevin your answer is good but you should add how the sandwhich gets to your espoughs.

JULI&@N@ said...

Hi Mr.Lee! It doesn't seem like their was a lot of people yet that did it.i hope some one does mine.
P.S. Ilike yoyur new backround

Mark Spano said...

4. You can't live with out your kidneys because your blood would always be bad nothing would clean it.So eventually you would die.You would also wave to go to the thing three times a week. You would feel week after it and feel sick when you blood is bad.

Mark Spano said...

Brianna good answer but you should say how the pancreas and the liver shoot out some chemicals.

Gianna Famiglietti said...

you cant live without your kidney because your kidney has organs that get rid of cells wastes.

Mark Spano said...

pancreas,large intestine, small
intestine,and the kidney. Those are some of the main parts of the digestive and urinary system.

Fr@ncesc@ Nugnes said...

3. the nutrients will get to your bodies cells by getting chewed up by your teeth . Next it passes throw your esophagus and gets sqeesen into your stomach . Then in your stomach the food gets digetsed even more until its a soupy paste. finally from your stomach it enter the small intestent and all the nutrients from the sandwich gets soked up by these little things that are called villi. lastly the blood comes and picks up all the nutrients throw the cappilaries sroundiing the small intestent

Francesca Nugnes said...

Antony Cross I think you should put more about how it gets to your small intestine .

Mark Spano said...

Anthony D I think you should talk about what happends in the stomach.

richard said...

1 mouth,teeth,esohagus,small intestine,large,intestine,colon

p@trick said...

3. the sandwich's nuterouns get to your cells because when you swallow the food goes to the stomach and the stomach wall squeezes the food and the food becomes soupy . Lastly the nutreouns get sucked up

Christina Sagos said...

Patrick I like your answer but i would like you to add more about how the food gets to your stomach.

Christina Sagos said...

I like your answer Kevin you gave alot of details. I wish you can add about the mouth,the first part of digestion.

Philip said...

richerd i likeyour answer but you should teel us more about how it gets there

+*++*+*+Juliana+*+*+*+ said...

i wonder if we could do this more and sorry Mr.Lee,wnen i wrote my name it came out like this::::::: JULI&@N@

Anthony Cross said...

I like your answer Patrivk but you forgot to talk about the small intestine and the villi

bri@nn@ said...

1. esopugus,epiglottis,small intestine,mouth,liver,pancreas,large intestine,those r the main parts of the digestive system. the kidney is the main part of the urinary system. eeewww

Francesca Nugnes said...

Richard there is a little more things in the digestive system and the urinary system try and name them all.

andrew scarpinito:) said...

Gianna tell more about the kidneys and what other ways you cant live with out them

Anthony DiCrescento said...

3. You will chew the food. Then you swallow it down to your espoughs. It is attached to your stomach. The food will go there. The small intestine is attached. The nutrition and protein will be picked up by the red blood cells and sent to the rest of the body.

Anonymous said...

DIGESTIVE:teeth,esophagus, epiglottis,stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

+*++*+*+Juliana+*+*+*+ said...

thiis actually a good study tool

Mark Spano said...

Patrick you should add how the villi soaks it up

Juliana said...

hey Mr.Lee. you should raelly add the epigolottis to #2. Isn't that a part?

Anonymous said...


Juliana said...

I'm doing number #2. Mouth, teeth, esophagus,stomach,small intestine, large intestine,colon