
Explore the 7 continents & 4 oceans

Co-anchors, Dylan and Liam, have teamed up to bring us some important information about the continents and the oceans.
Stay tuned.


The 3 Levels of Leadership in the U.S.

Shephanie and Cristina recorded their voices and collected images from the internet to put together this video lesson on the Mayor, the Governor, and the President of the United States.

Please view and leave them some feedback.

Mr. Lee


End of the Year Video Part 2

Here is Part 2.


End of the Year Video 2008

Hey guys,

I heard some of you guys lost your CD's or it doesn't work at all. Here it is again so you can view it at your leisure (spare time).

Hope you are all having a successful year in 4th grade and becoming smarter than me. :)
Also, feel free to leave a message by leaving a comment below.

Mr. Lee

Here is Part 1 - Part 2 is on the earlier post above this one.