
Science Test - Study Tips


Please feel free to post any answer to any of the following questions so your classmates can comment whether you got it or need to add more information.
1. Know all the parts of the digestive system and urinary system.

2. Be able to talk about all the steps food goes through in your body using the following words in order.
colon, esophagus, large intestine, mouth, small intestine, stomach, teeth.

3. Explain how the nutrition from a sandwich gets to your cells.

4. Know why you can't live without your kidneys.

**Good idea to make study cards for all parts.
***Good idea to explain the answers to the following questions to your parents the night before after you study.

All the different digestive juices (fluids) found in the digestive system.

Here is a question someone asked in class..."How many different kinds of fluids are there?"

Well, here it is...  For the sake of 5th grade, just know that fluids are needed to help breakdown foods we eat into tiny particles, so it can be absorbed into the cells for energy.

Table 1: Digestive Juices

Salivary Glands

  Bicarbonate fluid        Lubricates food during chewing
  Salivary Lipase          Prepares fat for digestion

Gastric Secretions

  Acid                     Initiates digestion of protein,
                           and kills bacteria

  Pepsin                   Aids in initiation of protein digestion

  Gastric Lipase           Initiates digestion of dietary fat

  Mucous                   Lubricates and protects lining of

  Intrinsic Factor         Aids in absorption of Vitamin B12 by
                           small intestine
Liver Secretions

  Bile Acids               Detergent that helps dissolve dietary

  Phospholipids            Promotes absorption of fats

  Cholesterol              Excreted in bile

  Immunoglobulins          Protect from bacteria and other
                           harmful organisms

  Mucus                    Protects from bacteria

Pancreatic Secretions

  Bicarbonate              Neutralizes acid and protects
                           digestive enzymes

  Water and electrolytes   Fluid delivery system for digestive

  Amylase                  Digests dietary starch and glycogen

  Lipases                  Digest dietary fat

  Proteases                Digest dietary protein


The significance of Columbus reaching the New World

Columbus might not have reached his original goal of trying to reach Asia, but he did have some lasting impact on the rest of the world.  He was one of few explorers who connected the lives of the eastern hemisphere to the people in the Americas. He introduced Europe to many different crops that served to increase their food source.  He prompted other nations to start their own expeditions to discover and settle new lands.  The lives of the Native Indians would also be forever changed from this point on.

Both American and European lives were changed in what is sometimes referred to as the “Columbian Exchange.” Europeans became acquainted with corn, chocolate, potatoes, tomatoes, and various peppers and spices. These imports vastly changed the diet in the Old World. Tobacco also began to exert its impact.

Life in the Americas was changed by the importation of chickens, goats, horses, oxen, cattle, donkeys, sheep, coffee, rice, bananas, sugarcane, wheat, and barley.

On a more lethal level, diseases also were apparently exchanged. The Europeans brought a host of infectious maladies unknown in the New World, the most damaging of which was smallpox.



Spelling Words - Week of 10/17/11